Our Projects
Childrens' Recuperation in Germany
2019 Childrens’ Holiday with 40 children from Ritschow
2018 Childrens’ Holiday with 18 children from Ritschow
2017 Childrens’ Holiday with 45 children from Ritschow
2016 Childrens’ Holiday with 42 children from Ritschow
2015 Childrens’ Holiday with 47 children from Ritschow
2013 Childrens’ Holiday with 50 children from Ritschow
2012 Childrens’ Holiday with 46 children from Ritschow
2011 Childrens’ Holiday with 48 children from Ritschow
2010 Childrens’ Holiday with 49 children from Ritschow
2009 Childrens’ Holiday with 49 children from Ritschow
2008 Childrens’ Holiday with 54 children from Ritschow
2007 Childrens’ Holiday with 16 children from Ritschow
2006 Childrens’ Holiday with 11 children from Ritschow
The childrens' rest is supported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs from the Land Baden-Württemberg.

Renovation of the hospital in Shitkowitschi
Total cost: ca. 100,000 EUR
Soziale Partnerschaft im Gesundheits- und Sozialsystem am Beispiel Hochrhein
Förderprogramm Belarus 2016-2019
Total cost: ca. 15,000 EUR
Renovation of the gymnasium in Shitkowitschi
Total cost: ca. 16,000 EUR
Improving basic health services in the Gomel region
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Total cost: 30,385 EUR
Training seminar for three Belarusian music students
Goethe Institute
Total cost: 3,380 EUR
Eyewitness and publication project on Volga Germans in the High Rhine-Black Forest region - past and present
Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
Total cost: 3,700 EUR
Compete renovation of the school kitchen in Ritschow
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Total cost: 16,000 EUR
Freindship concerts
Goethe Institute
Total cost: 3,300 EUR
New Sports Hall floor in Ritschow:
Refurbish Sports Hall floor in Ritschow School – about 6.000 EUR
Ritschow Cultural Center:
Installation of sanitary facilities in the Ritschow Cultural Center (Total Cost: 5.600 EUR)
Invited by us, six music students from Belarus stayed in the upper Rhine region (March 21 to 27). They were accompanied by the professor for singing Olga Luckjanonock, the piano professor Tatjana Glasirina and Marina Kharitonova the chairman of our Belarusian partner association. more...
Remediation of the Ritschow village school:
Sanitary facilities completely renewed (All materials bought in Belarus with organization funds, installed with the help of the Ritschow teachers, FFR German organization members and friends. Total Cost: 8000 EUR)
Remediation of the Ritschow village school:
Blackboards and modern lighting installed in all Ritschow classrooms.
New entrance doors for the Lenin village school